There are times in are lives when things coalesce and line up in the most perfect of ways. Making this project come to life was without a doubt one of those moments. 2 years in the making I believe awesome art takes time and thats okay, I often find myself worrying about how much art I am making and is it enough? But when a project like this one takes shape it reminds me that no matter the timeline, it matters.

The people that all made this happen are quite honestly living breathing hero’s in my world. I have been watching all of these people, dance, create stunning videos, take stunning photos and so much more for the better part of my life and to have had a few days with them to be able to create, connect, and share the thing we love the most was and still is a gift and a blessing.

Here is to you “Citizens of The World” (COTW) you inspire me, your movement and art brings change that is palpable , and you are a tribe and a people who’s work is so very necessary in this expedient world.

Thank You.